Designated learning institutions list

congratulations on DLI

從2014年6月1日起,如果海外學生想來加拿大讀書,並取得學生簽證,那麼學校必須要有在designated learning institution list (簡稱DLI)名單上,簡單而言就是被加拿大政府所認可合格的學校(高中以上的學校, 例如語言學校,專門學院,大學等)


Designated learning institutions list

To apply for a study permit on or after June 1, 2014, you will need a letter of acceptance from a designated learning institution. You need to include the Designated Learning Institution number (DLI #), which is the number that begins with the letter “O”, on your application form.All primary and secondary schools in Canada are automatically designated. They do not appear on this list. You do not need to include a DLI number on your application form if you apply at this type of school.To find an institution at the post-secondary level:

Step 1: Select the province/territory in which your institution is located. A list of all the designated learning institutions in that province/territory will appear.

Step 2: To search for a specific institution, type in any key words (partial name of the institution or the city in which the institution is located).




如果有任何疑問,歡迎隨時來電或來信諮詢啦! ^^
